Lex Anteinternet: Stores limit egg purchases.

Lex Anteinternet: Stores limit egg purchases.:   

Stores limit egg purchases.


Yep, that's right. In central Wyoming you are limited to one carton as people are trying to stock up to avoid coming price increases.

Yessir, Trump was really successful on that price lowering thing.

Lex Anteinternet: Well that didn't take long. . .

Lex Anteinternet: Well that didn't take long. . .:   

Well that didn't take long. . .

 Trump’s Immigration Threats Are Already Wrecking the Food Industry

Immigrant farm workers are too scared to show up to work.

The past election featured a lot of really dimwitted comments by those who decided to vote for Trump about making the price of food "go down".  


The government has very little ability to make the price of anything whatsoever go down.  There are a few options.  For one, if an item is imported and taxed at the border, you can remove the tax.

That's the exact opposite of what the Genius with Really Good Genes proposes to do. That's going to raise prices.

Another is to impact the price of something the government actually controls, such as privatizing an industry or releasing a supply of something held by the government.

Neither of those are options right now.

Trump's really good brain has so far simply proposed to the Saudis that the produce a lot of oil.  The Saudis are likely laughing. 

If they did, that would drop the price of oil, which drops the price of everything else.  It also makes US oil completely unviable economically as its very expensive to drill for. We already know this as a few years ago there was a glut of oil, which dropped its price and stopped US drilling dead in its tracks.

One of the things Trump promised his followers that he would do, which he can do to some limited extent, is deport aliens.  Hopefully they're illegal aliens, but to a lot of his supporters, any alien will do, as long as the alien has brown skin.

Donald Musk and Ted Cruz, born respectively in South Africa and Canada, can stay, which is a real shame.  I'd be okay with deporting both of them.

US agriculture depends heavily on illegal aliens from Mexico.  It has for decades.  It's a situation which never should have been allowed to develop, but it was because both Republicans and Democrats turned a blind eye to it.  Now, the US is dependent on that migrant population.

Trump promises to deport all these people as quickly as possible.  That means administering a massive shock to the farm economy, which means the prices of everything at the grocery store will go up, up, up.  Trump will ignore that.  Consumers won't be able to, and those who knew that this would occur ought to be plastering these on self check out lines:

It won't end there of course.  The economic genius has fallen in love with tariffs, something that fell out of favor as they helped create the Great Depression, bring Hitler into power, and cause World War Two.  

Trump really doesn't seem to be the smartest bulb in the bunch and apparently he skipped lessons in history.  Part of the reason he cited for wanting to change the name of Denali to Mt. McKinley is that McKinley, who was President before income tax was legal, used tariffs to fund the rather small U.S. budget of the time.

What a boofador.

Trump tends to think like, and talk, like a gangster.  As we discuss in an upcoming post, he may have in fact learned a lot of his "art of the deal" by having to deal with the mafia on New York construction projects.  The mafia operates, in fact, a lot like Trump. They make big threats, and then hurt people, until a rival gang knuckles under or regular people give in.

The problem here, of course, is that countries aren't criminal gangs, usually (Russia sort of is), and they don't behave that way. Democratic nations particularly don't.  Trump is getting the middle finger from Canada and Mexico right now, but the besotted American public hasn't noticed.  If Trump imposes the tariffs he threatens to, Canada is threatening to flat out cease exporting into the US.  What Canada has in spades, oil and lumber, it can sell elsewhere.  We can't replace what we get from them.

That'll spike the price of oil massively. We can't offset the oil deficit that would result in as we're already, in spite of the moronic "drill baby drill" comments people make, drilling at capacity.  That would easily add 1/3d to the price at the pumps, if not 3 times to it.

And the removal of lumber would simply end the construction industry.

Canada is also a major exporter of hydroelectric power into the US.  If Canada starts taxing that, and it can, at a rate to offset tariffs, living in New England will be extremely expensive.

As for Mexico, go to the grocery store and see how many things are "grown in Mexico". With California in trouble due to Trump's immigration policies, and a retaliating Mexico you'll get to eat what can be produced locally.

Um, yum.  Canned corn will still be there.

It'd be tempting to say "people will get what they deserve, but Trump didn't even take 50% of the popular vote.

Let's say that again.  He didn't take even 50% of the popular vote.

He took 49.8%, which is regarded as impressive in American politics, but in reality is not.  50.2 % of the American public voted against him.

Third parties may have put Trump in office.

In some systems, if a person doesn't take over 50% of the vote, there's a runoff election between the top two vote getters until somebody does.  If that had been done, would Trump be President?

Anyhow, with about 50% voting for him, and 50% voting against him, Trump doesn't have a mandate to do squat.  Quite a few of his insiders know that which is why they're rushing to put in their projects while they can, which is really only until the next mid term election when an enraged public turns on the GOP.  It's going to happen.

In the meantime, the 50% of the country that didn't vote for Trump is going to endure rising prices, destroyed retirement accounts, a Federal government that won't help with local disasters, and the increasing slide of the country into a mean, childish, brutish, thugocracy.

Casino America.


A few years ago I started using the term "Casino America" to describe cultural phenomena and developments that exacerbate the move away from meaning and culture into a society that basically amounts to pointless consumerism and get-rich-quick scams. Still holds up.

Lex Anteinternet: The 2025 Wyoming Legislative Session, Violating Wyoming's Act of Admission.

Lex Anteinternet: The 2025 Wyoming Legislative Session, Part 4. The ...

A proposal to violate Wyoming's act of admission:


State of Wyoming









Resolution demanding equal footing.


Sponsored by: Senator(s) Ide, Biteman, French, Hutchings, Laursen, D, McKeown, Smith, D and Steinmetz and Representative(s) Allemand, Banks, Bear, Neiman, Smith, S and Winter








A JOINT RESOLUTION demanding that the United States Congress, in consultation with the legislature of the state of Wyoming, extinguish the federal title in those public lands and subsurface resources in this state that derive from former federal territory, and do so in recognition of the sovereign rights of this state, as set forth in its congressional act of admission into the union, and in recognition of the solemn duties resting upon Congress under the admissions, property, claims, and guarantee clauses of Article IV of the United States constitution so that the state of Wyoming shall, in due course, obtain full admission into the Union of States upon an equal footing with the original states in all respects whatsoever.


WHEREAS, an indispensable element of state sovereignty is the capacity to exercise sovereignty and jurisdiction over the soil within state borders; and


WHEREAS, a constitutional state does not exist in those places where a state's independent sovereignty and legislative jurisdiction do not apply; and


WHEREAS, the original states jealously retained complete sovereignty and jurisdiction over all of the territory within their external boundaries, including unappropriated former British crown lands claimed by the states under both the articles of confederation and the United States constitution; and


WHEREAS, pursuant to the Admissions Clause, article IV, section 3, clause 1 of the United States constitution, new states admitted into the Union of States are admitted upon an equal footing with the original states as to political rights and as to sovereignty, including territorial sovereignty; and


WHEREAS, section 2 of the Wyoming act of admission provides that "The said state shall consist of all the territory included within the following boundaries, to wit: Commencing at the intersection of the twenty-seventh meridian of longitude west from Washington with the forty-fifth degree of north latitude and running thence west to the thirty-fourth meridian of west longitude; thence south to the forty-first degree of north latitude; thence east to the twenty-seventh meridian of west longitude, and thence north to the place of beginning." This section excepts only the lands dedicated to Yellowstone National Park within this border and any lands as may be subsequently added to that park by Congress; and


WHEREAS, under the equal footing doctrine, the new state of Wyoming became entitled to exercise sovereignty and jurisdiction over all of the territory dedicated to its purposes by virtue of Wyoming's act of admission, excepting only Yellowstone National Park and additional lands as Congress may subsequently choose to add to the park; and


WHEREAS, more than forty-six percent (46%) of the surface and more than sixty-nine percent (69%) of the subsurface resources of the state of Wyoming, as described by Wyoming's act of admission, remains under federal "title"; and


WHEREAS, lands and subsurface resources under federal title in the state of Wyoming are subject to a supreme and complete federal political jurisdiction without limitation, analogous to the municipal powers of the state itself, including police power, and also special maritime and territorial jurisdiction under 18 U.S.C. § 7(3); and


WHEREAS, as a consequence of supreme and complete federal political jurisdiction without limitation over the aforementioned forty-six percent (46%) of the territorial extent of the state of Wyoming and over sixty-nine percent (69%) of its subsurface resources, the state can exercise no jurisdiction in those places in a sovereign and independent capacity and, for this reason, this land and these resources cannot be, and have never been, part of the sovereign and jurisdictional state of Wyoming despite the fact that this land and these resources were included, under Wyoming's act of admission, as being lands committed to the purpose of the new state; and


WHEREAS, in order that the sovereign and jurisdictional state of Wyoming may obtain equal footing as to political rights and sovereignty with the original states, to which it is entitled under the Admissions, Claims and Guarantee Clauses of the United States constitution, the federal title in the aforementioned land and resources must be extinguished by Congress in compliance with its constitutional mandate to dispose property under the Property Clause; and  


WHEREAS, continued failure on the part of Congress to fulfill its duty to dispose of the aforementioned land and resources has resulted in two constitutional violations including: 1. Congress has admitted into the Union of States an entity that is less than and different in dignity or power, from those political entities which constitute the Union, and 2. Congress is exercising over the aforementioned land and resources of the state of Wyoming a form of government that the United States Supreme Court has termed "repugnant to the constitution" and that is notoriously denied to the United States under the Tenth Amendment of the Bill of Rights.




Section 1.  That the members of the Wyoming legislature commit to upholding article IV, section 3, clause 2 of the United States constitution and Wyoming's act of admission.


Section 2.  That the members of the Wyoming legislature demand that Congress confirm to the Wyoming Legislature, on or before October 1, 2025, its intent to dispose of the federal title in the aforementioned land and resources and its intent to do so in a manner as to subserve the long withheld sovereign interests of the people of the state of Wyoming.


Section 3.  That the members of the Wyoming legislature recognize this state's firmly established and popularly supported public land culture and economy that are integral to the state of Wyoming and therefore propose that the lands above mentioned be disposed of to the state of Wyoming and, thereby, be maintained as state public lands.


Section 4.  That the members of the Wyoming legislature recognize that the state of Wyoming has authority to absolve Congress of its constitutional duty to dispose of any portion or all of the former territorial lands remaining within this state's borders.  Accordingly, this legislature expresses its willingness to negotiate cession to Congress of the state's sovereign jurisdiction over any lands that may be mutually recognized as of national interest.


Section 5.  That the secretary of state of Wyoming transmit copies of this resolution to the President of the United States, to the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress and to each member of the Wyoming Congressional Delegation.


Last edition:

Lex Anteinternet: The 2025 Wyoming Legislative Session, Part 4. The Feudal Masters Bill.

Lex Anteinternet: The 2025 Wyoming Legislative Session, Part 4. The ...

One craptacular one to watch:










Trespassing-suspend hunting license.


Sponsored by: Representative(s) Allemand and Campbell, K and Senator(s) French and Ide







AN ACT relating to game and fish; prohibiting hunters who are convicted of trespassing on private land from purchasing hunting, fishing and trapping licenses as specified; requiring rulemaking; and providing for effective dates.


Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:


Section 1.  W.S. 233305(b) is amended to read:


233305.  Hunting from highway; entering or traveling through private property without permission; penalty; hunting at night without permission prohibited.


(b)  No person shall enter upon, travel through or return across the private property of any person to take wildlife, hunt, fish, collect antlers or horns, or trap without the permission of the owner or person in charge of the property. Violation of this subsection constitutes a low misdemeanor punishable as provided in W.S. 236202(a)(v) shall result in the person losing hunting, fishing and trapping license privileges for two (2) years from the date of the violation in addition to the penalties. For purposes of this subsection, "travel through and or return across" requires physically touching or driving on the surface of the private property.


Section 2.  The game and fish commission shall promulgate all rules necessary to implement this act.


Section 3.  


(a)  Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, this act is effective July 1, 2025.


(b)  Sections 2 and 3 of this act are effective immediately upon completion of all acts necessary for a bill to become law as provided by Article 4, Section 8 of the Wyoming Constitution.






This bill is bullshit.  It's notable that of the two persons whose names I recognize, both are from ranching families, at least kind of.  One ran on "less government, more freedom" (Ide). This bill is for more government and less freedom.

Lex Anteinternet: The 2025 Wyoming Legislative Session, a corner crossing bill.

Lex Anteinternet: The 2025 Wyoming Legislative Session, Part 3. Stil...

The 2025 Wyoming Legislative Session, Part 3. Still time to find a place to hide edition.

January 10, 2025

This will be interesting.










Access to public lands-corner crossing.


Sponsored by: Representative(s) Provenza, Andrew, Campbell, E, Larson, JT and Wharff and Senator(s) Jones, Rothfuss and Schuler







AN ACT relating to crimes and offenses; providing an exception to the offenses of criminal trespass and game-and-fish trespass regarding incidental contact associated with crossing two (2) adjacent parcels as specified; and providing for an effective date.


Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Wyoming:


Section 1.  W.S. 63303 by creating a new subsection (d) and 233305(b) are amended to read:


63303.  Criminal trespass; penalties; exception.


(d)  For purposes of this section, a person does not commit criminal trespass if the person incidentally passes through the airspace or touches the land or premises of another person while the person is traveling from one (1) parcel of land that the person is authorized to access to another parcel of land that shares a common corner with or is immediately connected to the first parcel and that the person is authorized to access.


233305.  Hunting from highway; entering enclosed property without permission; penalty; hunting at night without permission prohibited; exception.


(b)  No person shall enter upon, travel through or return across the private property of any person to take wildlife, hunt, fish, collect antlers or horns, or trap without the permission of the owner or person in charge of the property. Violation of this subsection constitutes a low misdemeanor punishable as provided in W.S. 236202(a)(v). For purposes of this subsection, "travel through or return across" requires physically touching or driving on the surface of the private property. For purposes of this subsection, a person does not commit trespass under this subsection if the person incidentally passes through the airspace or touches the land or premises of another person while the person is traveling from one (1) parcel of land that the person is authorized to access to another parcel of land that shares a common corner with or is immediately connected to the first parcel and that the person is authorized to access.


Section 2.  This act is effective July 1, 2025.

This is a Democratic bill. The Democrats have traditionally been the party that comes to the rescue in Wyoming when the GOP begins to descend into feudalism regarding land.  

If the populist really care what Wyomingites think, this should past.

My guess is that it won't.

Last edition:

The 2025 Wyoming Legislative Session, Part 2. Early bills

Blog Mirror: As Trump administration cuts funding, lays off USDA staff, Colorado farmers and ranchers feel the hit

  As Trump administration cuts funding, lays off USDA staff, Colorado farmers and ranchers feel the hit If they were like Wyoming's farm...