Showing posts with label Climate Change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Climate Change. Show all posts

Going Feral: The 2025 Resolute Edition.

Going Feral: The 2025 Resolute Edition.

The 2025 Resolute Edition.

I posted elsewhere that I was going light on New Years Resolution posts, and I basically, kind of sort of, have.

None the less, I have some out there.

New Year's Resolutions for Other People, sort of.

New Years Day. Looking at 2024 through the front of the Church doors.

This blog has a completely different theme, rather obviously.  So what I'd normally do is post some personal and more universal items.  I'll just do both here, in the worried sort of way both of the above posts are.

This blog is heavily invested in the concept of Aldo Leopold's Land Ethic, which is:

The land ethic simply enlarges the boundaries of the community to include soils, waters, plants, and animals, or collectively: the land... In short, a land ethic changes the role of Homo sapiens from conqueror of the land-community to plain member and citizen of it. It implies respect for his fellow-members, and also respect for the community as such.

Aldo Leopold.

We also have a very holistic view of things, in the true meaning of the word.  That is, everything is connected.  And we also, as people here know, have a very Agrarian, Wendell Berry, view of the world.  We are part of nature and we need to acknowledge that, and be true to our natures.

We haven't been acting like that for quite some time.  And both the political left, and the political right, are guilty of that.

The populist right, of course, just came into power.  And much of its political ethos is based on ignorance combined with the love of money.   At no point in American history since 1860, when the Southern wealthy lead the Southern yeoman into a fight to preserve something that benefited the rich, and not the poor, has one class so fogged the intellect of another such that those who stand most to be hurt by developments are fully backing them.  

Nearly everything those who love the outdoors, use the outdoors, or depend on the outdoors will be under full out assault in the next four years.

Sportsmen, agrarians, conservationist, farmers, ranchers and environmentalist will have to be very much on guard the next four years.  Sadly, many in some of these categories vote for the very forces that stand to hurt, or even destroy them.

Lex Anteinternet: Agitio ter consuli, gemitus britannorum . . .Repel...

Lex Anteinternet: Agitio ter consuli, gemitus britannorum . . .Repel...

Agitio ter consuli, gemitus britannorum . . .Repellunt barbari ad mare, repellit mare ad barbaros; inter haec duo genera funerum aut iugulamur aut mergimur.

So on this Sunday, 2024, I worked, contrary to God's injunction, like on so many others. As a result, I didn't really catch up with the horrific plight of Appalachia in the wake of Hurricane Helene.

It's awful.

Which makes this the worst, and best, time to note this.

We're headed into a legislative session, and an election season, in which the far right espouses a hatride of the Federal Government.  If you are in Appalachia, and vote for the populists, you are voting to handle this disaster on your own.  If you are in Wyoming, and voting populists, the same is true of the horrible fires we've experienced and are yet to.

If that is your view, don't ask for help, as stupid and cold as not asking for help would be.

We here are distributists, a philosophy that holds things should devolve to the lowest level possible. Here, that level is the Federal government.  Distributism works up, as well as down.

Additionally, how long will we choose to ignore the signs?  We've waited longer than we should have as it is.  There's still time to act, no matter how much it impacts your temrporary pocket books, with you being temporary as it is.

Lex Anteinternet: A smokey morning in Central Wyoming.

Lex Anteinternet: A smokey morning in Central Wyoming.

A smokey morning in Central Wyoming.

Lex Anteinternet: Lex Anteinternet: An existential wakeup call.: Lex Anteinternet: An existential wakeup call. : Just the other day, I ran this: Lex Anteinternet: Intellectual disconnect. With everything o...

Yesterday's primary election results certainly suggest that Wyomingites have their alarm on snooze.  Nature, however, chose to give another warning overnight. 

🔥💨 Smoke in #ourcommunity💨🔥
Good morning, Casper! This summer breeze is bringing smoke (and in some areas ash) into Casper from a fire in Johnson County. Please ALWAYS call 911 if you SEE a fire. At this time we request that members of #ourcommunity avoid calling 911 to report the smoke smell. Thank you for your vigilance!
The map below is available on the Wyoming 511 app (choose the wildfires layer) or access it here 🚩🚩
May be an image of map, road and text that says '14 Clearmone Hulett Bighorn National Fores Buffalo Ten TenSleep Sleep Gillette Pinet HAME undance Moorcroft 25 Upton 5g Kaycee Wright New Micwest yoming 20 20 Casper Glenrock 59 Douglas Lost Springs Manvill Eusk usk Bairdil 20 Glendo Guernsey Fort Laramie 26 ingle Tor RawlirSinclair Rawlir Medicine Bow Wheatland Elk Mountain Rock River Chugwater'

Many Casperites woke up in panic to the strong smell of smoke.  It woke us up, (smelling much like bacon).  I figured the smoke was from yesterday's fire near Glenrock, but no, it's from a huge fire in Johnson County.  

Apparently the Police Department received so many calls it decided to post on Facebook.  Numerous replies demonstrated that many Casperites thought a fire was nearby, and woke up in panic.

I'm sure some will be waking up like me, a childhood and teenage asthmatic condition somewhat returned, and therefore impairing the ability to breath.  For some, it'll be much worse.

A big fire is apparently also burning in Campbell County, one of the epicenters of Wyoming populism.

No matter.  The 2025 Wyoming State House will be certain that the old days will return, and nothing is the matter.
BLM fire crews are assisting in response to the House Draw Fire located southeast of Buffalo, WY. The fire is currently estimated at 4,000 acres. Fire engines from Johnson County, Powder River Fire Department, and the Forest Service are also responding in addition to aerial support from Single Engine Airtankers and a Large Airtanker. A Very Large Airtanker has been ordered. The fire is fast-moving and wind driven – for the safety of firefighters and the public, ple…
See more
May be an image of map and text

    In a more primitive time, as we define primitive, which tends to mean any era other than our own, generally, people looked for signs of the Divine in disasters.  Some were taken as warnings to correct an errant path, or as punishments for having taken one.  As late as the closing days of the Second World War, Germans widely came to the conclusion that the disasters that were befalling them were Divine punishments for their actions under the Nazis.

    Now, of course, even in a religious country like the United States, such views are never expressed.   But there's something to them, even if what there is amounts to elevating our personal desires above reality and the long term interest of ourselves and our descendants can be sinful, and often will have negative outcomes simply by their very nature.

    We didn't use to have massive grass fires every year.

    Of course, a lot of Wyoming's "Freedom Caucus" isn't from here, and they have no real recollection of what the state is naturally like.  Some time looking into it would benefit us all, even if that means looking at some uncomfortable truths.  There's less excuse for those who hold certain views and are from here.

    Jeanette Ward, the Freedom Caucus import from Illinois who went down in defeat in her bid for reelection in a Casper district, noted upon her losing:
    I’m grateful to the Lord Jesus for the last two years I have been able to serve Him and the people of Wyoming in House District 57.  Unfortunately I did not win reelection tonight. I called Julie Jarvis to congratulate her, and I pray she will serve the people and do what is righteous.
    Ward infamously said in one legislative session that we were not our brother's keeper, something that Jesus stated we were.

    Ward's comments were gracious in defeat.  And we might all hope that servants of the people will do what is righteous, and that we all might, no matter how uncomfortable that might.  That might start by considering our dedication to the truth and discerning it, which isn't always a fun thing to do.

    Imports and Exports Coexist in Harmony

      Imports and Exports Coexist in Harmony