Lex Anteinternet: A Matter of Preception

Lex Anteinternet: A Matter of Preception

A Matter of Preception

I follow the US Ag Ambassadors blog.

And I like it.

But I was amused by this entry:

Before the Snow Flies

It starts off:

And it goes on:

It's a matter of perception of course.  I have a "to do" list everyday, but my outdoor or manual labor items are always at the back of it.  Always.  When I was young I dreamed of having a list like this, or work that was outdoors, in agriculture, and has a compact, to some degree, beginning and end.  

I can't say that I've ever imagined that in dread.

Which may get to what a person has done, up to that point, in life, I guess, and what a person knows of what other people do.  I tend to find most of us have very little perception on the lives of others.  Litigating lawyers do, because we explore those lives.

I wonder what this student will do.  Whatever it is, the student may find that days that had a list like that were the best ones that they ever had.  Meaningful work that had morning and evening horizons, and which took them outdoors, and which were surrounded by people who loved them.  Not everyone's work is like that.  Most peoples' in fact, isn't.

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